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  3. General Client Referral Program Essentials

Setting Up Your Client Referral Program

Here are the best practices to set up a client referral program for any industry. Learn all our top strategies from choosing your program to setting a budget.

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Lesson overview

A referral program is essential for any business to get more leads, but it's hard to know where to start. That's why we created this lesson: to guide companies of any industry through creating client referral programs that fit their needs.

What you'll learn:

  • Getting started: The basics of setting up your program.
  • Choosing your program: Finding the right fit for your business.
  • Ways to set up your program: Segmenting your programs based on your audiences.
  • Choosing your landing page: Crafting the perfect landing page to meet your needs.
  • Selecting your card: Selecting a reward card that appeals to your audience.
  • Setting your budget: Planning your expenses and budget per referral.
  • Choosing your terms: Creating clear and attractive terms for your clients. 
  • Creating an organization page: Setting up a page to promote your programs.


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