Grow your business with industry partner referral programs

Team up with industry partners to expand your reach. See how Locorum helps you build strong partnerships and boost referrals.

Industry partner referral program

What is an industry partner referral program?

An industry partner referral program lets you work with other businesses to get them to refer customers to you. By offering referral rewards with companies you typically work with, you can both benefit. Locorum makes it easy to manage and track these partnerships.

Before Locorum

Hard to coordinate referrals with multiple industry partners

Manual, time-consuming and error-prone referral tracking and rewards

Keeping track of who referred who can be confusing

Evaluating referral program effectiveness is difficult

With Locorum

Easily manage multiple partners in one place

Automated referral tracking, providing real-time updates

Clear records of all referrals and rewards

Automatic lead tracking displays all your referral data 


Why run an industry partner referral program

Expand your network

Get more business by tapping into your partners' customer base to find new clients.

Build strong relationships

Strengthen your trusted partnerships by sharing referrals and rewards.

Increase credibility

Referrals from trusted industry partners build trust with potential clients in the market.

Cost-effective growth

Grow your business without spending more on traditional marketing.


How to run an industry partner referral program

Set up your program2

1. Set up your program

Create a program as you normally would, but segment it for one or more industry partner. Decide if you want to separate programs by partner or combine them all.

1. Set up your program

Create a program as you normally would, but segment it for one or more industry partner. Decide if you want to separate programs by partner or combine them all.

Set up your program2

2. Set up your program

Set up rewards for both your partners and the customers they refer. Rewards can be fixed or based on the sale amount.

Enter budget2
Promote your program

3. Promote your program

 Share your referral program details with your industry partners with our email campaign tool, and encourage them to promote it to their customers.

3. Promote your program

 Share your referral program details with your industry partners with our email campaign tool, and encourage them to promote it to their customers.
Promote your program

4. Track and reward

Monitor referrals in real-time and distribute rewards with only a click to incentivize and appreciate your industry partners for helping grow your business.

Track and reward

Want more info?


Boosting word-of-mouth with industry referral programs


How to create a referral program in 5 minutes


Get help with setting up your account and creating programs


Start building your industry partner referral program for free!