Boosting your online referrals

Grow your business through your existing network by generating more referrals with Locorum's fast and easy-to-use system.

We'll be with you every step to help you launch, manage and promote your referral programs.

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Get high-quality leads with less effort

Referrals convert 5x more than any other channel.

With Locorum, you spend less time prospecting and more time closing lucrative deals.


Create a custom referral page

Set your images, logo, budget and program terms to get a custom landing page with a unique URL that you can instantly share.

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Capture referrals in 2-clicks

With our patent-pending two-click referral process, users effortlessly refer new buyers without even needing to log in.  Don’t miss out on referrals because of lengthy forms or barriers to submit.

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Automate email marketing 

Use our built-in email marketing tool to access 100+ industry-specific templates. Schedule referral reminders, newsletters and much more in just minutes, making promotion easy.

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Track and manage with ease

 See referrals the moment they happen with real-time tracking. Automatically track every referral and their details, simplifying your lead tracking so you don't miss out on valuable leads.


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Show your appreciation with rewards

Close deals with a single click, and Locorum handles the rewards.

Upgrade your rewards with a custom-branded Mastercard®. Send rewards cards for client or employee loyalty purposes like referral incentives, closing gifts, thank you's, anniversaries and more. 

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What are you waiting for?


How Our Best Customers Use Locorum

  • Developers & Home Builders

  • Real Estate Agents

  • Mortgage Brokers

  • Automotive Sales

  • Other Industries

Drive leads directly to your sales team and save $24k per sale

Builders use Locorum to digitize their existing referral programs and improve engagement with clients. 

Builders (low-rise, high-rise and purpose built condominiums) can use Locorum to tap into their database of past clients and partners to build an internal referral engine for new sales. Drive A-buyer leads that already trust your brand at a fixed cost that you control.

Locorum allows you to track the source and approve each referral to eliminate program fraud. On average direct leads can reduce selling costs on average by $24,500 per sale. 

Qualified leads that already trust you convert at 90%

Real estate agents can use Locorum to build client loyalty and accelerate referrals. Most agents we work with get up to 80% of their business from referrals but feel like they could be doing more. Locorum runs referrals like an enterprise level digital marketing campaign and automates the legwork of nurturing new referrals from your database.

If you're working internet leads, you're converting 1-3% and facing fluctuating ROI each month. On Locorum you have full control over your cost of acquisition and referrals convert at 90%.

Use Locorum to send closing gifts, home anniversary gifts and automatically add clients to your program. We have over 100+ pre-built Campaign automations to make marketing your program easy.

Compete with big-bank incentives and get leads who trust your expertise

Mortgage brokers rely on referrals from real estate agents, financial advisors and other customers. Most of our partners see 80%+ of their business generated through referrals but rely primarily on good service to continue the flow.

Locorum helps you turn your database into a referral engine by incentivizing past clients to refer friends. This is a proven strategy with an average increase of 400% in referral business.

Plus, you can use our rewards tool to increase your conversions on new leads, easily managing incentives and rebates. Referrals come into your funnel with a high-degree of trust and convert at 90%.

Quickly reward referrers and attract trusting buyers

Automotive sales rely on referrals and typically pay our fees with cheque, e-transfer or other cumbersome methods. Use Locorum to easily manage referral fees with partners and issue rewards on a single, reloadable MasterCard. 

Our program lets you track sources, confirm deal completion and automatically rewards referrers based on the budget you set. 

Want to use Locorum in another industry?

Locorum has been used by companies to manage internal incentive programs for referrals. We've also support use cases by contractors, lawyers and a variety of other service based businesses. 

Reach out to our sales team and we will assist in finding the right solution for your business to start generating more referrals. 

Launch your program in under one hour

Need to increase customer loyalty, conversions and referrals? It takes 4 steps on Locorum. 

1. Setup Program

Enter your program details and select a professionally designed landing page. 


10 Minutes 

2. Automate Marketing

Upload your database and use pre-built, customizable email templates. 


40 Minutes 

3. Use Loyalty Tools

Send personalized prepaid cards to develop stronger relationships.


2 Minutes/Card

4. Track

We'll track every referral, even capturing referrals who don't contact you. 

79% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when they can earn a reward.

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For companies who value their customers

Locorum allows you to run a world-class rewards program and enables your clients to spend rewards where (Debit) Mastercard® is accepted. See what leveraging the power of a trusted brand can do for your rewards program. 


Need clarification?

How much time will this take me?

Setup to launch = 1.5 hours

Locorum will assist you setting your budget and program parameters. This is as simple as filling out a form and our sales team will walk you through each step. This takes about 20 minutes. 

Once your program is live, our team will work with you on a marketing strategy that tailored your business based on our experience with over 300 companies. You will spend approximately 1 hour launching marketing to engage your database. 

After the program is launched, we will let it run and check in with you frequently to monitor success and make changes to strategy as required. 

How long has Locorum been around?

Locorum was founded in 2019 as a marketing company and over the past three years has evolved into a leading edge software solution and marketing suite.

Where can my clients redeem rewards?

Locorum enables you to partner with Mastercard® to deliver your clients a best-in-class redemption experience. Your client receives a personalized, Prepaid MasterCard® and they can use it anywhere that accepts (Debit) Mastercard®

Over 90% of consumers prefer cash over points... or gift baskets. 

Does it cost my clients anything?

No! If you send gift rewards or your clients receive a referral reward it doesn't cost them anything. No activation fee and no fees when they use the card. 

The only time they are ever charges is if the card has a balance and is inactive for a period of over 6 months, there will be a $2.50 charge. 

Does Locorum share my database?

Locorum will never share your database contacts with anyone except the digital marketing channels that you authorize. Client information is securely managed and secured to individual user accounts. Your clients will never been seen or shared with other businesses using the platform. 

Get started scaling referrals today