Unlock more referrals with VIP client referral programs

Reward your most loyal clients with special referral incentives. See how Locorum helps you turn VIP clients into your top referrers.

VIP client referral program

What is a VIP client referral program?

A VIP client referral program gives your best clients higher rewards for referring new customers. This uses the trust and happiness of your top clients to get new business. Locorum makes setting up and managing these programs simple and efficient across any industry.

Before Locorum

Hard to give rewards that match VIP client needs

Manual, time-consuming and error-prone referral tracking and rewards

Keeping VIP clients engaged can be challenging

Evaluating referral program effectiveness is difficult

With Locorum

Create easy, high-value rewards 

Automatic tracking with real-time updates 

Schedule personalized  follow-ups for to keep VIP clients happy 

Automatic lead tracking displays your referral data in one place


Why run a VIP client referral program

Boost customer loyalty

Encourage repeat business from your best clients with exclusive rewards.

Get new clients

Tap into your VIP customers' networks to bring in high-quality leads and new clients.

Enhance brand trust

Build trust and credibility with new customers through client referrals.

Save money

Reduce marketing expenses by leveraging word-of-mouth, a cost-effective method.


How to run a VIP client referral program

Set up your program2

1. Set up your program

Create a program as you normally would, catering the messaging and rewards to VIP clients with a higher reward incentive. 

1. Set up your program

Create a program as you normally would, catering the messaging and rewards to VIP clients with a higher reward incentive. 

Set up your program2

2. Choose your budget

Determine the reward amount to send to referrers and those referred. This can be a fixed or variable amount depending on the purchase amount.

Enter budget2
Promote your program

3. Promote your program

Share your referral program through our email campaign tool to your VIP clients, along with adding links to your social media, website and other marketing channels.

3. Promote your program

Share your referral program through our email campaign tool to your VIP clients, along with adding links to your social media, website and other marketing channels.

Promote your program

4. Track and reward

Monitor referrals in real-time and distribute rewards with only a click to incentivize and appreciate your VIP buyers for helping grow your business.

Track and reward

Look at our industry best practices 


Enroll in our free course 

Take 15 minutes to learn how to set up, promote, track and reward your clients through a Locorum referral program.


Want more info?


Why every company should have a referral program


How to create a referral program in 5 minutes


Get help with setting up your account and creating programs


Start building your VIP referral program for free!