
When Should Trades Professionals Ask for Referrals?

Knowing when to ask for referrals is just as important as asking at all. Learn the best times for trades and home service professionals to ask clients.

When was the last time you actually asked for a referral? Maybe it was a quick mention after a purchase or an initial call. These aren’t bad times to ask, but there are many more opportunities you should be incorporating.

We know referrals are one of the most powerful tools for growing your business but knowing when to ask is just as important.

In this blog, we’ll outline the best moments to request referrals from your customers to capture their satisfaction and willingness to recommend your services. 

The 9 Best Times to Ask for Referrals

There’s one key theme on when to ask for referrals, and that’s to ask when customers are the happiest. That way, they are more likely to receive the request well and more willing to refer friends. 

We’ll be focusing on trades and home service industries, including general contractors, HVAC companies, electricians, landscapers, cleaners and more and giving examples along the way.

Post-Project Completion

Ideal for: General contracting, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, insulation, roofing, moving, cleaning, landscaping, lawn care, snow removal, solar, energy.

Asking for referrals once a project or service is complete is an idea for any industry. At this point, clients can see the finished product and are often satisfied with the work. This is the perfect time to capitalize on their positive experience and ask for a referral when they’re happiest.


  • General Contractors: Ask for referrals after completing a home renovation project. Your clients are likely thrilled with the new look and feel of their home, making them eager to share their experience with friends and family.
  • Roofers: Request referrals once a new roof installation is finished. Highlight the quality of the work and how it enhances the home’s safety and appearance.

Service and Maintenance Visits

Ideal for: HVAC, plumbing, electrical, insulation, roofing, lawn care, solar, energy.

Regular service and maintenance visits offer another prime opportunity for requesting referrals. For many trades professionals that completed a large installation or contract, these routine visits allow you to demonstrate your reliability and expertise, reinforcing client trust and satisfaction.


  • HVAC: Ask for referrals after a seasonal maintenance check. Clients appreciate the proactive care, which ensures their system runs efficiently.
  • Plumbers: Request referrals following a routine maintenance visit. Clients value the peace of mind that comes with knowing their plumbing is in good hands.

After Providing Emergency Services

Ideal for: HVAC, electricians, plumbers, roofers, insulation, movies, cleaners, snow removal.

Emergency services often leave a lasting impression due to the urgency and importance of the work. Clients are usually extremely thankful, and you can leverage this by asking for referrals after resolving an emergency issue. Just be mindful if they are in a high-stress situation, you might want to give them a few days before asking.


  • Electrical: Ask for referrals after fixing an urgent electrical issue. Clients will remember your prompt response and the critical help you provided.
  • Plumber: Request referrals post-emergency leak repair. Highlight the quick resolution and the prevention of further damage.

Completion of Specialized Services

Ideal for: General contracting, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, insulation, roofing, moving, cleaning, landscaping, lawn care, solar.

Specialized services where you offer services that most other companies don’t provide excellent opportunities to request referrals. These services often involve significant client interaction and satisfaction. Because they likely had to search hard to find someone to do it, they’ll be more likely to refer their friends. 


  • Landscaping: Ask for referrals after a high-end or unique garden design or outdoor living space. The immediate results and improved environment make clients eager to share your services.
  • Solar: Request referrals after a specialized solar energy system is installed. Clients will appreciate the effort and ability to complete a complex project.

End of Seasonal Services

Ideal for: Landscaping, lawn care, snow removal.

For seasonal services that have regular maintenance, the end of the season is an ideal time to ask for referrals. Clients have enjoyed the benefits of your services throughout the season and are likely to recommend you to others.


  • Lawn Care: Ask for referrals at the end of the summer season. Highlight the healthy, beautiful lawn they enjoyed all season long.
  • Snow Removal: Request referrals at the end of winter. Emphasize the convenience and safety provided by regular snow removal.

Seasonal Promotions or Discounts

Ideal for: General contractors, HVAC, electricians, plumbers, roofers, insulation, movers, cleaners, landscaping, lawn care, snow removal, solar, energy. 

Seasonal promotions are a great time for any company to ask for referrals, especially in industries that face seasonality. When you’re offering more value, clients will be more inclined to refer a friend. 


  • HVAC: Run a promotion on air conditioners in the Spring and Summer to encourage more business and increase the likelihood of referrals. 
  • Snow Removal: Offering an early bird discount to sign up for a years worth of snow removal is a great way to get contracts early and boost referrals.

Post-Installation Follow-Up

Ideal for: General contractors, HVAC, electricians, plumbers, roofers, insulation, movers, cleaners, landscaping, lawn care, snow removal, solar, energy. 

Following up after installations or services is another key moment to request referrals. If you don’t already send check-ins, they’re a great way to stay in contact and show you care. Plus, capitalize on the client's initial excitement and satisfaction.


  • Solar: Ask for referrals after the first energy bill arrives, showing significant savings. Clients will be enthusiastic about the cost savings and environmental benefits.
  • Energy: Request referrals after the first noticeable energy savings after following your advice. Highlight the comfort and efficiency improvements in their home.

After Positive Feedback

Ideal for: General contractors, HVAC, electricians, plumbers, roofers, insulation, movers, cleaners, landscaping, lawn care, snow removal, solar, energy. 

When customers express their satisfaction with your work, they’re in a high-mood state and more likely to respond positively to a referral request. Whether they mention how much they liked the work, provide a testimonial or leave a review, these are perfect moments to ask.


  • General Contractors: After completing a home renovation and receiving praise from a homeowner, ask them to share their experience with friends considering similar projects.
  • HVAC: Following a successful installation of a new system, request a referral from a client who praises the improved efficiency and comfort.

After Receiving a Referral

Ideal for: General contractors, HVAC, electricians, plumbers, roofers, insulation, movers, cleaners, landscaping, lawn care, snow removal, solar, energy. 

This one may sound weird since they already referred someone. But, when a client refers you to someone else, it’s a sign that they value your work and trust your expertise. This is a prime opportunity to ask for more referrals. Thanking them for the referral and asking if they have any other friends looking will make them think of anyone else. 


  • Roofing: After a satisfied client refers a friend, ask if they know of anyone else who might need roofing services.
  • Plumbing: When a client recommends your services to their neighbors, follow up with a request to connect you with other potential clients who could benefit from your expertise.

Tips for Asking for Referrals

  • Make the Request Personal and Timely: Ensure your request feels personal and is made shortly after the service is completed.
  • Express Gratitude: Thank your clients for their business and their satisfaction. A grateful approach makes clients more inclined to help.
  • Provide Easy Referral Options: Make it simple for clients to refer others. A digital referral program (like Locorum) is the perfect way to do this! 

Sound like a great plan? Book a demo to learn how to get the most out of your referrals. 

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